Thursday, April 9, 2015


Peace Bear: I arrived in Geelong in 2002 accompanied by two humans who had visited Allanton Peace Sanctuary in Dumfries, Scotland, where I was born. I'm tiny, only about 18cms if standing.
 As I seem to permanently sit, I'm usually seen as being 16cms.

Dressed in a 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' t-shirt, I was given to Jenny because she works with this message as a way of life.

I see my role as being the silent observer, although I do occasionally make comments. I delight in visiting new places, experiencing the diversity of cultures and in my own small way, encouraging all to look for, and find peace within.

Peace Bear on his way to Japan in January 2015

 Peace Bear is a world traveller, occasionally allowing photos of himself to be taken and aired online. 
His greatest wish is for all to begin to know the true peace that dwells within, and constantly flows the message,

Peace Bear at Fuji Sanctuary, Fujinomiya, JAPAN

 On Prayer Hill, looking out to Mt Fuji

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Peace Bear with the Prayer Field as background

Peace Bear on the frozen pond, watching the Koi fish swim beneath him

Peace Bear sitting in nature

Peace Bear looking out to Mt Fuji

Looking over the World Map and part of the Prayer Field

Looking down on all the world's flags on the Prayer Field

 Peace Bear 'mole' watching: he never actually saw any, but was always hopeful!

One of the very decorative Peace Poles now available